Bill Cosby 2014-18 Updates
Copyright August 15 2015, June 8 2017, April 26 2018 by Naomi C Bennett
“In September 2014 a new, well researched, biography by Mark Whitacker has the birth time of 3 pm “on July 12, 1937, Anna gave birth to a baby boy at three o’clock in the afternoon at German-town Hospital” 1
This is an updated addition to my original article dated 1997 using this new birthdata from 2014, although most of my analysis is not dependent upon Cosby’s birth time.
Since October 2014 until the end of 2015, Bill Cosby has been under attack for his sexual behavior of drugging young women. On July 18, 2015 The New York Times, having obtained the complete deposition of sealed court records from Andrea Constand’s 2005 civil lawsuit that was settled out of court. In a deposition, Cosby testified he obtained Quaaludes for consensual sex with women. On July 27, 2015, New York magazine’s cover featured images of 35 women sitting in chairs with the last chair empty, suggesting there may be more victims who have not come forward yet. Eleven other woman known to New York magazine who allege sexual assault by Cosby declined to be photographed and interviewed for the feature. 2
The new horoscope for Bill Cosby is:
This has been a very public dressing down of Cosby’s accomplishments as transiting Saturn (the planet of law, restriction and responsibility) has been in Scorpio, the sign of sex. But it took more than one aspect to make this come into public focus. The North Lunar Node which has been passing through Libra is in the sign of balance and fairness. When an eclipse occurs with this node, life altering events can occur. So the eclipses in 2014-15 have been passing in hard aspects through all of Cosby’s Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Pluto positions. The first big public explosion of his prior sexual predatorship occurred November 2014, just after an important eclipse period in October 2014 that impacted Cosby’s chart. Note the 90 degree transit graph below with the yellow shading of the lunar node in yellow. The transiting Lunar Nodes has been squaring Cosby’s cluster of Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Pluto. Not only is it in Libra the sign of associates, fairness and balance but it is also in Cosby’s Twelfth House. The Twelfth House can be the house of self-undoing but it is also the house of Cosby’s secrets being exposed.
Transiting Saturn was doing it’s second pass on Cosby’s Mars and squaring his MC. His public reputation, business relationships, and family loyalties were about to be affected. This is marked in orange. Then a third aspect of transiting Neptune squared Cosby’s Venus occurred with relationships that were hidden were coming out into public view. This was the start of a series of news events as his prior sexual hunting for young women (Cosby’s Sun conjunct Pluto opposing Jupiter creating excess) continued through the years but in 2014 the monetary payoffs of his victims stopped working for him (transiting Saturn conjunct Cosby’s Mars). His Ascendant in Scorpio the sign of sex just added to his desire nature with Cosby’s Uranus on the Descendant pointing to unusual and extreme methods to meet other partners. It is this very same factor that gave him the drive to find silliness in the everyday things of life that fuels his comedy. It is this same natal aspect that drives him to great heights of success (Cosby’s Sun, Pluto opposing Jupiter). The strength of these natal aspects can cut both ways with great success and great excess.
The saga continued in 2015 when tSaturn (in orange) again entered Scorpio in June 2015. This was another important period. This third transit is usually the culmination of the prior events coming to a conclusion. At this same time tUranus in Capricorn (in lavender) is opposing Cosby’s Sun. Near June 28th, the tSun was squaring the north Lunar Node with an OOB (Out of Bounds) tMars. This is like a mini-eclipse period but the Sun is square the Nodes so there is no physical eclipse. The older writers call this a Lunar Bending, but Carl Payne Tobey called it a Moon Wobble. It is a period of human instability and surprising events occur. This was most unusually since transiting Mars was in a very extreme position being Out of Bounds and near the Sun. Many violent abusers of power can occur with police and sexual dominance.
“As of July 2015, two related lawsuits against Cosby are pending, including one for defamation of character… Cosby has been accused of drug facilitates sexual assault by 50 women, although he has denied any wrongdoing and has not been charged with any crime. The dates of the alleged assaults span from 1965 to 2008. Cosby has declined to publicly discuss the accusations in past interviews offering no comment… that had released the document to the public domain, published a summary and excerpts. Cosby’s testimony shows a history of casual sex involving use of Quaaludes with a series of young women. Throughout his testimony, Cosby maintained that any drug use or sex was consensual.
In July 2015, the Associated Press obtained court records from Andrea Constand’s 2005 civil lawsuit that was settled out of court. In a deposition, Cosby testified he obtained Quaaludes from gynecologist Leroy Amar, who knew that Cosby had no intention of taking the drugs himself. Cosby instead intended to give them to women he wanted to have sexual relations with and admitted that he had given the drug to at least one woman and other people. Cosby admitted knowing it was illegal at the time to dispense the drug to other people. Amar would later have his medical license revoked in California and New York. The judge ruled that releasing the sealed
Two people who have previously defended Cosby, and believed in his innocence, changed their minds; American actress and talk show host Whoopi Goldberg and Joseph C. Phillips (a Cosby Show regular for three years) each made public statements on July 15, 2015. Goldberg, for the first time, suggested Cosby may be guilty, while Phillips was more forthright, saying “Of course Bill Cosby is guilty!”
Also on July 15, 2015, President Barack Obama was asked at a news conference if Bill Cosby’s Medal of Freedom award (which Cosby received from President George W Bush in 2002) would be revoked…
On August 4, 2015, a Los Angeles superior court judge ordered Cosby to give a sworn deposition in Judy Huth’s pending lawsuit that alleges he sexually abused her as a 15-year old at the Playboy Mansion in 1974. The deposition is scheduled for October 9,2015.” 3
Various honories, sponsorships (money) and TV reruns (royalties) have been cancelled in July and August 2015. But Cosby is worth between $300-500 million so he should be fine financially. But the final chapter in Cosby’s saga will begin with the eclipse period in September 2015 just as this court trial is scheduled for October 9th. This event will change his life into a new direction with the transit of Uranus opposing Cosby’s Sun conjunct Pluto. The youthful women of his sexual obsession (Cosby’s Sun conjunct Pluto which rules affairs, risk taking and youth) get their day in public court. At the same time transiting Saturn (law and order) does it’s last pass in Scorpio, the sign of sex. Please note that transiting Mars in Libra (the planet of sex in the sign of balance and fairness) opposes Cosby’s Saturn in Aries just as a ruling of justice is likely to be made. More than likely, Cosby will fade out of the news by early January 2016 but his life and career will be forever changed. Transiting Saturn will start to square Cosby’s Moon late 2016 when tight money and more fallout with women (his wife??) and civil lawsuits will form. The loss of more of his money is likely.
Update June 2017
Bill Cosby is finally in an actual trial. It’s more than interesting that this trial began when Mars (the planet of sex and authorities over you) went into Cancer and its Out-of-Bounds. This is a position of extreme sexuality, outside of normal parameters. Transiting Pluto has been opposing his Sun and now tMars is marching to Cosby’s Sun to create an apex event. Note that tSun was on Cosby’s lunar nodes when it began. With all his money, will he go to jail or get off? That Pluto transit did ruin his reputation but they report he has about $300M network. That can buy a lot of ‘justice’. His attorney just has to create enough ‘doubt’ about the event to get him off. His career and reputation is in ruins and cannot be repaired. But will he get jail time? Not likely, since so much evidence has not been allowed in court (like 50 other women who were drugged and raped by him). Hopefully, it will cost him lots of money and she can be compensated.
3. Ibid.
Birthdata: July 12, 1937, 1:30 am EDT, GermanTown, PA 40n02, 75W10, Astrodata Lois Rodden
Son’s murder: Jan 16, 1997, 1:40 AM PST, Los Angeles, CA 34N03, 118W14
Broadcast of Cosby’s interview admitting sex with mother of woman blackmailing
Cosby as illegitimate daughter: Jan 27 1997, untimed, New York, NY
Bill Cosby
Copyright February 1, 1997 by Naomi C Bennett
Original post in 1997
For the past two weeks, Bill Cosby has been through a horrendous upheaval in his life with the mysterious murder of his only son while changing a tire on a LA freeway. Within a 48 hour period while this news was breaking, a young black woman was arrested in New York City for attempting to blackmail millions from Cosby by accusing him of being her father and going to the press with the revelation.
Bill Cosby has been one of the most successful black comedians in the USA. He is also noted for his strong emphasis on higher education, holding a Ph.D. in Education. He put his money behind his commitment to higher education by funding many poor black students with college scholarships and donating millions of Spellman College. He has a strong concern for young people and children. He is noted for his family oriented sitcom shows and clean family jokes in live comedy.
Cosby has a powerful chart with Taurus rising and Uranus on the Ascendant. He is conservative but unconventional. He is willing to look at new ideas and perspectives that haven’t been tried before. He can be a risk taker that is willing to be the first one to break new barriers. With a Taurus Ascendant gives him the staying power to keep his commitments to goals and ideas for a life time. He has real staying power that moderates surprising new ideas that have been tempered down to middle America. His Sun is conjunct Mercury and Pluto in Cancer and this triple conjunction is opposed by Jupiter. Here is the power house in his chart that marries his sensitivity to feelings with hard work and fierce determination.
His Cancer Sun on the nodes of Pluto and conjunct Pluto gives him an Aries type personality in duplicate. The nature of Aries is strongly associated with children and the younger generation. They are usually pioneers in their field of work and Cosby broke the color barrier many times to become one of the highest paid actors on television. Jupiter is conjunct his Midheaven in Capricorn which is indicative of his strong support of tradition education as a means of social advancement. He is very public about his position on education and integrates it with his career. He has continuously lectured to the youth of America on the importance of education as a means to personal freedom.
Three points in his chart are strongly activated during this first quarter of 1997:
1. The day of his son’s murder, transiting Sun, Neptune and Jupiter were conjunct in Capricorn and opposing his Pluto. This points to unexpected changes with youth, children or males in his life. It’s also in his 10th house of public career and public image. The entire USA is aware of his personal life and in full view of the public. With Neptune, unsolved mysteries can be involved.
2. Transiting Pluto is opposing his Venus which again points to young people in association with him. Venus is associated with friends and lovers which points to this illegitimate daughter coming into his life with unexpected surprises (the opposition). Transits of Pluto are associated with deeply transforming experiences and sometimes death which can be emotional in nature or physical.
3. Transiting Saturn is conjunct his Saturn and is opposed by transiting Mars for a solid nine weeks until March 8th. This opposition aspect is also aligned with the transiting Lunar Nodes. This is called a Saturn return and can be a period of stress with one’s career and public life. But the addition of Mars and the lunar nodes for nine weeks adds the stress of intense emotions and unexpected changes and surprises. This is a period of extreme emotion, stress and depression. The weight of the world can feel like it’s on one’s shoulders.
As a Sun in Cancer man, Bill is probably deeply wounded to his core, but with double Aries qualities in his chart, his will power will give him the energy to put on a brave face and go on with his life. He has already announced that he will go back to taping his television show to put humor into the world. From astrology, I see his period of mourning not beginning to lift until March 1997. He could easily be embroiled with legal issues during this period or face illness as a result of the stress that he is under. But many times illness is a blessing for people who push themselves through life without taking the emotional rest that they really require. These are probabilities that are likely to happen but not absolute.
The nature of Bill Cosby’s personality and what he thinks is important in the world strongly suggests an Aries personality. The transits of Neptune opposing his Pluto and transiting Pluto opposing his Venus strongly reinforces my position that Pluto rules Aries since the major events in his life involve his children and a young woman that claims to be his daughter. The majority of astrologers believe that Mars rules Aries and that Pluto rules Scorpio but there has always been a minority of astrologers that differ. The nature of the two planets have strong similarities of jealousy and possessiveness, intense emotion and a need to take action. Associations with war, the military, and executive ability are stressed for both Scorpio and Aries. Before the discovery of Pluto, Mars ruled both Scorpio and Aries.
A more expanded discussion of these differences are posted in my prior article on Pluto. The easiest distinction that can be made between these two planets as ruler of Aries is if one of them can be seen to be strongly associated with children or the younger generation since that is a major quality of Aries, not Scorpio. There are other attributes that are distinct but this is the clearest one for analysis.
Sunday, August 16, 2015